ReFRACtor Documentation

This is the Level 2 Full Physics code.

Other documentation

This documents the C++ code. The Fortran portion is documented separately at the Level 2 Full Physics Fortran documentation.

There are several other useful documentation sources:

Top Level

For a top level view of the system see Top level view of system. .


This doxygen documentation gives the low level API details of all the classes in the code. While useful, this does not give you an overall picture of the design. We use a separate tool, ArgoUML to capture the higher level design. The design is in the file design/Full_Physics_Software_Architecture_UML.uml.

The ArgoUML file contains the latest design, but also of interest is the OCO-2 Design Review March 2010 which contains a snapshot of the design along with more detailed description of the design (but realize that this might be out of date with the actual code).

Copyright © 2017, California Institute of Technology.
U.S. Government Sponsorship acknowledged.
Generated Fri Aug 24 2018 15:44:19