
The Refractor Framework use CMake as it’s build system.


First create a new directory where compilation will occur. If the required dependencies are installed in standard locations, then at minimum the configuration of the system can be performed with the following command:

$ cmake /path/to/refractor

But to run unit and full tests the ABSCO and MERRA input’s location path need to be specified. In that case supply options as follows to CMake:

$ cmake /path/to/refractor -DABSCO_DIR=/path/to/absco -DMERRA_DIR=/path/to/merra

Once the build directory has been configured using CMake compilation is done using the standard make software. With out any arguments the all target will be use used:

$ make

If parallel make will be used it is recommended to run the thirdparty build target first without the -j option, for example, build all from scratch as follows:

$ make thirdparty
$ make -j 10 all

The following table shows the most meaningful build targets available:

Target Description
all Builds the thirdparty, full_physics, l2_fp and python targets
thirdparty Builds third party software that is packaged with the source
full_physics Builds the full_physics library
l2_fp Builds the l2_fp binary that uses the full_physics library
python Builds the SWIG Python bindings
install Installs the built system into the configured prefix, by default <build_dir>/install
doc Creates Doxygen API documentation
unit_test Runs all unit tests
full_test Runs all full tests
nose_test Runs all Python Nose tests

Using Other Compilers

To use alternative paths to compilers supply the following environmental variables before running cmake. Note: These must be defined before the first run of cmake. You will have to use a clean build directory when changing them:

Variable Description
CC Defines the C compiler, defaults to gcc
CXX Defines the C++ compiler, defaults to g++
FC Defines the Fortran compiler, defaults to gfortran

The values supplied in these variables must be full paths. For example to use a different version of C++ you could do something like this:

CC=$(which gcc-5) CXX=$(which g++-5) cmake /path/to/refractor

If you use these variables in a script they will need to be exported to the shell environment first, the following is equivalent of the above::

export CC=$(which gcc-5)
export CXX=$(which g++-5)
cmake /path/to/refractor

Build Options

There are many build options given to CMake that can be used to specify alternative locations of dependencies or to change the way the software is compiled. They are documented below. These are all supplied using the -D<option>=<value> option to cmake.

Option Description
ABSCO_DIR Path to the base path where ABSCO tables are installed
MERRA_DIR Path to where the MERRA Aerosol Apriori Database is installed
CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX Path where the install target should put files, defaults to <build_root>/install
CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE Determines compiler flags used can be either Debug, Release or RelWithDebInfo. The default is Release
BUILD_LUA Set to 1 to build the supplied version of Lua even if its detected as installed on the system
BUILD_LUABIND Set to 1 to build the supplied version of Luabind even if its detected as installed on the system
BUILD_PYTHON_BINDING Set to OFF to disable building Python bindings, defaults to ON
GSL_ROOT_DIR Base path to where GSL has been installed in case Cmake can not find it automatically
BOOST_ROOT Base path to where Boost++ has been installed in case Cmake can not find it automatically
HDF5_ROOT Base path to where HDF5 library has been installed
SWIG_EXECUTABLE Path to the SWIG 3.0 executable file
PYTHON_LIBRARY Location of the Python library ( in case Cmake can not find it or finds the wrong version
PYTHON_EXECUTABLE Location of the Python executable in case Cmake can not find it or finds the wrong version
LIDORT_MAXLAYER Number of atmospheric layers for LIDORT to use if the default value is too small
LIDORT_MAXATMOSWFS Number of atmospheric jacobians for LIDORT to use if the default value is too small


As noted in the last section, debug builds can be enabled as follows:

$ cmake /path/to/refractor -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Debug

The Debug build type does not use any compiler optimization. An alternative build type that uses compiler optimizations, but also includes debugging symbols, is the RelWithDebInfo build type. It can be enabled as follows:

$ cmake /path/to/refractor -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=RelWithDebInfo

The optimizations used with this build type are not as aggressive as with the default build type causing the code to run slightly slower.

When running make the commands being run can be displayed by running make with the VERBOSE option:

$ make VERBOSE=1