System Configuraiton

Dependency Requirements

The following packages are required to be installed on the target system:

If a package for Lua that includes a shared library is not available for the target system, a version bundled with the software package can be used. See the Compilation instructions for more information.

On OS X, you may use Homebrew to obtain most of the required dependencies (Lua and Luabind will be built from the included source):

$ brew install gsl cmake boost hdf5 netcdf swig python3 git-lfs doxygen pkgconfig graphviz coreutils

Python Requirements

The Python bindings to the framework and support Python programs require the following Python packages. Most likely your Linux distribution already has packages available using it’s respective package management tool. Otherwise, use the following links for details on installing each package:

There is a requirements.txt file at the base level of the package that can be used with pip to install the required packages:

$ pip install -r requirements.txt

Compilers Versions

One of the following combinations of compilers is needed to compile for Linux:

On OS X, only the clang/llvm C and C++ compilers bundled with Xcode or “Xcode Command Line Tools” version 8.2 or greater and GNU Fortran at version 6.1 or greater are known to work.

Memory Requirements

Make sure your system has at least 2.5G of memory (including swap) available or else compilation may fail unexpectedly.